Sunday, March 10, 2013

Making Grandma Proud.....

Well Hello y'alls!

I guess I have some new readers out there that apparently aren't completely offended by my humor and even dare I say...think I'm actually amusing?!?!?! Well thank you! And thank you for checking back in here even though my posts are sporadic at best. Life's been...hmmm, INTERESTING? A lot going on around here on the funny farm. Maybe I'll get into that on another post, maybe. It's long and involved and probably almost unbelievable.

So onto more exciting things.... I decided a good way to work through my grief over losing my grandma would be to find a way to honor her. She was an amazing woman, so caring and thoughtful. And proper!! I know, I know how in the fk did I come from a saint like her?!?!?! So in thinking about it I wanted to find a way to send out me love to others. The only problem with that was, as I've talked about on here before, I'm a hermit. I don't leave the mountains much. And in a "aha" moment I decided to use my Instagram addiction as a way to facilitate my good deeds!! Genius right?!?!?! Im such an Instagram slut....I put a post out their so people wouldn't think I was some crazy stalker and just went for it.

 First I made some doggies duds for my favorite handcrafters Tumbleweeds H/C. If you haven't heard of them, you must live under a rock. The sweetest shades known to man. If you haven't ordered a pair do it right now. I mean it. Stop reading my dorky ass post and go stalk their shop and buy a pair!! Or 5.  Now that your back from shopping ;) ....Their little Charlie looks like my dorky dogs twin!!! No lie, mirror images I tell ya.

 And since the tumbleweeds crew has an upcoming move I thought they could use a little somethin somethin for the journey.....

Next I made a pendant for @rickithedude, this guy is a legend in the skating world and recently had a mishap that involved some serious medical care.....I drug my feet about scoring one of these sweet tees to support the cause and missed out. So to show him some love and encourage a quick recovery to get back out there and shred it.......

Then sickcityneedlepoint (by the way check out her etsy i need more wall space!!) I noticed was suffering from a migraine. I am a migraine sufferer too. I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone. I have found that rice bags work wonders for this. So I made her one and sent it her way with well wishes to get better soon........

And KinShip Goods, I started this just because I think they're awesome(like as in I need to have a direct checking account just for stuff I want from them!!) and I saw a picture on IG that just made my creative brain go on's still a work WIP but im almost to the finish line.....

And now, I saved the best for last...Remember how I was going on and on about how stupid it was for me to think I could connect with someone on line?!?!?! Ummm  yeah, life decided to slap the holy living shit out of me with that one. Because I "met" okay alli. It all started with this picture.....

 I seriously snort laughed when I stumbled across it, I don't even remember how anymore. Then when I commented on it she proceeded to tell me the story behind this photo and gave me the whole ghetto transition lens infomercial.....I died laughing only to be revived and die again!!!! Instantly my brain went to work turning this goofy garage infomercial riff into a full blown Ad. I just had to make it for her, no way around it. My brain wouldn't rest until it was done.....That started a whole slew of back and forths......then emails.....then texts....Now this beautiful girl makes me snort laugh at lest once a day. She has "been" there to walk me through some really shitty days, we have built a bond that from the outside seems just plain crazy!!!! But whatever, I am grateful for her friendship and to show her my love I sent a little care package, which now is becoming a bi-weekly habit ;) Not to mention her blog is fkn hilarious go read right now you thank me later

Soooo the result of this new pay it forward campaign has been shocking. I'm receiving things back?!?!?! And their responses to my gifts on IG are so sweet and heartfelt they make me cry!!! Out of no where I received this in the mail from sickcityalyssa.....

 Fkn awesome right?!?!?!

And Ms Alli Awesome Sauce...OMG the box of loot from this lady...holyscnockrockers blew my frickin mind!!!!! I will do a whole other post on the goods from this, because it deserves its own post really!

So that's it. My pay it forward campaign.

 Making Grandma Jo smile down on me from heaven one package at a time.

xo the Rebel

Ps- know someone who needs a little pick me up? Shoot me an e-mail, Id be happy to help out <3


  1. I love you more than life itself. WHY AM I ONLY SEEING THIS NOW??? Girl, I am so lucky to have you, without you I would die. You are the master of the farts, the neck of all the grandmas. I am so grateful for our friendship, and I'm always learning from your dopeness. xo ak

    1. Yeah i love still love you more than a hooker loves crack to the point i probably need help....."they tried to make me go to rehab and i said"


  2. Wow, this is so awesome. There are so many awesome things in this post i'm sure I'll forget several somethings! I found you through Allison, who I also believe to be completely awesome, and you crack me up lady! My grandmother sounds a lot like mine, although mine is still living, she too would give away anything she had to you with no second thoughts, she has so many friends that love her like family that year before last on her 90th birthday people had to come in shifts to visit her party because the whole HOUSE was standing room only! She is an amazing lady, and also a total saint, and I am thankful everyday that somehow I am descended from such a beautiful heart! Sick city and Kin ship are both awesome! i just went over and checked them out too! and the Shred or die pennant is so friggin' rad, like whoa.

    Glad I put you on my bloglovin' so i could read this first thing this morning. I feel inspired!

    <3 Bethany @

    1. Thanks doll!!! Glad you like my shredder pendant ;) wasn't sure if it'd come across as dorkerific


  3. Hey there, I am just now seeing the comments you left over on my blog, I'm not so used to getting them and I figured it would alert me somehow to them?! Anyways, sorry about that! You make awesome things : )

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. I also LOVE Allison and am getting ready to send her a little care package of my own. But I think I am going to have to expand my reach, I want to be more crafty and I also need to take my mind off some really frustrating and depressing stuff. Thanks for the inspiration :D
